Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mistress is waiting!

Hello again piggies! Mistress was surfing the net the other day and came across these photos from a very erotic photographer by the name of David Lace. Mr Lace was kind enough to share his work and I though I pass that favor along to my piggies! Wasn't that nice of Mistress? Of course it was! Any way this picture reminded Mistress that she is waiting for her piggies to call to start there training as good little piggies and slut's. So before I go let me remind you all again, that Mistress is offering three FREE minutes on the phone with her ! Oh and hey slut's, hitting the call button will take you my NF site were you slut's can find more pictures of me! So get off your ass and call!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Important up date from Mistress Kim !

Hello my piggies! Just wanted to let you piggies know that Mistress is now taking calls on Nite Flirt. So if you have been craving the sound of Mistress voice now's your chance! Mistress is even going to be generous and offer you piggies some Three free minutes.So here's your chance to pay tribute to your Mistress for letting her into you miserable life's. So slut what why are your standing around CALL Mistress NOW!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Busy Mistress?

Yes Mistress has been busy piggies. She's been working very hard on her retail web site. Mistress is carrying a full line of sexy lingerie as well as sexy shoes and boots. So with that being said here's the URL Go check it out let me know what you think! Talk to you later piggies.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Welcome piggy! Time to have you wallet emptied

Aren't you happy you found Mistress' blog? Now that you're here you can tell Mistress how grateful you are for the attention she gave your unworthy self. Mistress knows you're dying to talk to her, hear her voice commanding you, making you do her bidding,controlling how to live your life. So all you have to do is press the button and all your silly little dreams will come true.

On the other hand bitches, if your too unworthy to make a call to Mistress, you can always tribute Mistress in game (weather she's there or not). Let me remind you slave's that your only reason you exist are to make Mistress's life easier!